21 March 2017

NUYS Tour Electronic Payment Information

Greetings! I'm just adding a note at the top of this: If you did not receive a tour packet, you need to contact Educational Tours and get one. That's how you make your payment. I've had several people ask me, so I won't be surprised if they missed a few more. -Julie

Dear Tour Participants

There has been a request for an "electronic payment plan" versus sending a check via mail.  Below are the instructions.  Educational Tours can help with any clarification or additional questions regarding payments.

I hope this information is helpful.

Just a reminder:  There was a $100 deposit due March 1st.  This payment is way past due...please catch up if you have not made this payment.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you

Debra Francis

NUYS Tour Electronic Payment Information:

Call Educational Tours @ 1-800-574-3898

Tell them you're with Northern Utah Youth Symphony

Request an electronic payment

Give them the name(s) of your student(s)

Indicate the amount you want to pay

Provide your email address

They will process the payment through a secure processing line and program called "Square"

There is a 4% processing fee
he website is a 
​searchable ​
​ where​
ll group emails are posted
And be sure to use our ​Attendance Form​ to let us know if you are arriving late, leaving early, or missing a rehearsal.

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