27 May 2016

Time To Party!

Announcing the NUYS & NUYCO end of year party!

Saturday, June 4, 11:30 am to 2 pm
Watkins Park Bowery
705 W Forest
Brigham City, UT 84302
All members of both orchestras and any interested parents
What to Bring: 
Food (sweet or savory) to share
Outdoor toys

Note: I'm so sorry for those of you who cannot come, but this was (by a small margin) the best day for the most people, including the second survey, so after much contemplation I've reserved that park, and it's really happening!

We are excited to have one more chance to get together!

See you soon!

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23 May 2016

Party Dates, Take 2

Please respond ASAP. I'm conflicted here because I can see how many people can't come to each choice in the original survey. So, Scratch That! Let's try this instead. :)
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Party Dates, Take 2

I know I already tried this, but I'm going to try again. I'm not seeing a clear "winner" from the previous survey. Fully half of respondents cannot come on every possible date. So, once school is out, let's see if a weekday works better, hopefully before people leave for camps and amazing trips. Hoping to get a clearer answer this time. Thanks for your patience with me! :)
* Required
    Mon, Jun 6
    Tues, Jun 7
    Weds, Jun 8
    Thurs, Jun 9
    Fri, Jun 10
    Sat, Jun 11
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10 May 2016

Fwd: Party Dates Survey NUYS & NUYCO

Please fill out this form asap. I will be choosing the official date for the party as soon as I feel I have a sufficient number of responses. Thank you! :)


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Party Dates

Please mark every date that works for you, not just your favorite date. At this point the plan is to party at my house since no one else has volunteered. Use the "Other" option to suggest a better date and/or time.
* Required
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ll group emails are posted
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