24 February 2023

Concert Publicity

Hello! Could you all do what you can to publicize our concert to your friends and family?

Here's our Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/2wM94RJCW

Here's a poster you can text, email, share, etc. 

Let's get as many people there as we can!

-- Josie Anderson | NUYCO Managing Director

16 February 2023

Concert Schedule

Hey families, here is the concert info!

Saturday, March 4
Concert starts at 3 pm
Ridgeline High School (180 N 300 W Millville, UT 84326)

NUYCO's sound check will begin at 1:40 pm, so it's imperative that each NUYCO member is at Ridgeline by 1:15! Set up starts at 12 pm (would love help, please come if you can), NUYS sound check 12:45, NUYWE 1:20, NUYCO at 1:40, NUYPS at 2:10, doors open at 2:30.


-- Josie Anderson | NUYCO Managing Director

01 February 2023

Weekly email - please read!

Hi families! Three quick things.

1. Regular rehearsal tomorrow. See you at 4:30.

2. The concert is March 4 at 3 pm at Ridgeline High School in Providence.

3. Please fill out this 30-second form if you haven't already! https://forms.gle/j9PbFmR4htg3Z4raA

-- Josie Anderson | NUYCO Managing Director