10 March 2015

Saturday's Gala News Flash

Dear Wonderful People,

Josie the Ticket Maven here again, hopefully for the last time. :) 

We had an extraordinary amount of money turned in today! I, along with all of the other board members, were very impressed and pleased with your success. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

You have all done so well that we are SOLD OUT for the gala on Saturday! If you have made prior arrangements to turn in money (i.e., if you and I have set up a separate appointment, you have committed to bring it to rehearsal, etc.), please continue in those plans. 

However, if you have not told me that you are going to give me more money, please don't! We won't be able to feed that many people.

If you bring money on Saturday like we talked about, please give it to Julie as I will not be there. 

Again, if you have questions, concerns, etc., please email me at josie.anderson57@gmail.com or call/text to (435) 452-8173. Thanks!

Did you know the website is a blog? All group emails are posted to the blog, which is totally searchable! Check it out...

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