11 January 2013

LYS Rehearsal Canceled!


We are canceling tomorrow's rehearsal. Stay home, sleep in, be safe, and then practice the things on the list*.

In exchange, so we are ready for our next performances, please plan to stay until 11:30 am for the next three or four rehearsals. So, we'll see ya January 19, bright and early, 8:30 to 11:30!

*Sam is putting together a list of things to listen to and work on. When we send it, hopefully tonight, please be sure to go through it so we don't completely lose a week of momentum towards our next performances, the concert February 9th, and the trip to Abravanel Hall February 11th. 

FYI: I have not yet received our schedule for Abravanel Hall, but when I do, you will be the first to know, so you can also plan your lives. :)

Thank you for being wonderful! I will now activate my system for contacting people. If you receive a text from 801-508-4652 (last 5 digits spell VIOLA ... check it out!), it is from me. The text will tell you that rehearsal is canceled and direct you to this email. Is that called a circular argument?  ;) 

Be safe and warm!

Julie Gardner
Sam Runolfson


1 comment:

JulieKGardner said...

Haha... We never sent a list. Oh well. Such is life ... Note to self: Never announce that there will be a list! :)