13 March 2010

Gala Fundraiser Dinner & Silent Auction

Greetings to all past, present, and future members of LYS, LYCO, or LBCS!

I just wanted to let you know - as past, present, or future members of any organization that has benefited from Lake Bonneville Symphonic Society - that we are putting on a Gala Fundraiser Dinner next Friday, March 19, at 6:30 at the Senior Center 24 N 300 W in Brigham City. It is $15 per plate.

As a last-ditch effort to actually keep this organization afloat while doing without the much needed financial support of certain grants this year, we are trying to make the Gala bigger than ever.

Despite concerted efforts by all the current members to sell tickets, we are still short.

We are at 112 tickets. If we sell 150 we get a discount from the caterer. Please help us push this over the top! 

Please email tonight or Sunday morning if you are willing/able to come to this dinner and support the LBSS tonight. 

The silent auction will have some great things this year. Among others, there will be a violin, several lovely home-made items - quilts, afghans, wall hangings, etc., 2 autographed photos from the Utah Jazz, gift cards from Target, Olive Garden, Music Village, etc., Utah Grizzlies tickets, and other wonderful stuff!

The raffle will be for an outdoor gas fire-pit. It sounds like a really cool "man thing" and I have a feeling my "man" will buy a raffle ticket or two!

There will also be door prizes - including homemade bread - and a few other fun things.

Aspen Strings will be playing during dinner, and there will be a special appearance by violinist/fiddler Aaron Ashton (he will be performing at the Fine Arts Center that evening as well -- go see him and buy CDs!). The program, "The Joy of Family Music," will also be memorable.

We look forward to this Gala every year as much for the togetherness and enjoyability as for the fundraising! 

Thanks, in advance, for any support you are able to give.

Julie Gardner, LYS managing director

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