20 January 2009

LYS Saturday Report -- January 17th, 2009

This is Julie Gardner, Managing Director of Lincoln Youth Symphony.  For previous emails (or to read this one in another location), see the Lincoln Youth Symphony Blog, our Weekly Rehearsal Report, here.
Future Rehearsal Schedule
Remember that there will be rehearsal Every Saturday from now until the concert Feb 28 and the trip to Abravanel Hall Monday, March 2. This includes President's Day weekend. The music is simply too challenging to skip any more Saturdays. Please arrange your schedules accordingly, and thank you in advance for any sacrifices you might make for the benefit of the group. As usual, if you need to talk about missing a rehearsal, please contact me. The calendar on the website is correct. Here is the link: http://lincolnyouthsymphony.googlepages.com/calendar
This Saturday, January 24th, Mr. Findlay will be back, and I hope we have practiced like crazy so we are ready for a fabulous rehearsal. I talked to him today, and he had a safe trip. 
For your practicing pleasure... Legend Tempo Markings:
Rehearsal #15 --> 88 = quarter note
Rehearsal #18 --> 88 = half note
Rehearsal #20 --> 108 = half note
I'm sure you've already measured your numbers... To check if your numbers are right, read past emails on the blog by clicking here.
It was great to see so many people even though it was a holiday weekend last Saturday.
We had a fun rehearsal! Gayle Mansfield worked with us on style and sound, assigned the brass to always do lip-slurs for warm-up before rehearsals; we marked some bowings, and worked hard. Without having had the music ahead of time, she covered whatever struck her as needed and it all worked out very nicely. Much better than if I had taken the rehearsal, that's for sure. Thank you, Gayle! 
big welcome to Steve Didericksen who came and played bassoon! It was so fun to have him. Keep coming, Steve! We are so pleased to have you. :)
Just a reminder: if you will not be attending a rehearsal, or will be leaving early or coming late, please contact me at 435.723.8262 or reply to this email. Thank you in advance for your courtesy! I try to make it very easy to provide notification, and I appreciate it when people let me know - and generally I always do because you're so good at letting me know.
A Highly Interesting - and important - Tidbit
We are still revising our fundraising scheme for this year, and have made some progress toward a benefit concert that will draw more than just members of the orchestra and their families. Remember: please take the Gala Fundraising Dinner (Feb 21) off your schedule for now and stay tuned for further information. We are putting together a committee to address this, so please contact me if you are interested. I know how many excited people are going to email me about this. I can feel it in my bones! Really, "It could happen!" :)
Please contact me with any questions: Julie Gardner, 435.723.8262, GJulieKay@gmail.com, or check out the calendar on the website here.
Julie Gardner
John Findlay


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