30 January 2009

LYS: Follow-up Financial Report, and Abravanel Hall Performance Time

This is Julie Gardner, Managing Director of Lincoln Youth Symphony.  For previous emails (or to read this one in another location), see the Lincoln Youth Symphony Blog, our Weekly Rehearsal Report, here.
This quick email is a sigh-of-relief-follow-up on LBSS Finances.
Here is what our treasurer has to say:
Good news! We do have enough money for payroll.  Due to a minor accounting error, we have a lot more than I thought we did. Our checkbook is back as it should be. I will go to the bank today and get an updated printout of our statement and double check the actual balance, but we should be back in business.
Still, we do not have enough money to stay "in business" through the end of the year, so I think the gala is still a good idea. Our inflow of cash is sketchy at best. Keeping it simple can still help ease future expenses.
I am sorry for the uproar. I will keep you posted as I verify my mistake and get checks written. Thanks everyone.
So, our fundraiser is officially "back on!"  We are asking each student to sell 4 tickets, and there will only be one dinner (the caterer was happier with this arrangement, and we definitely want the food to be as good as it was last year).
Now to the really important stuff: Abravanel Hall
I received our schedule for Abravanel Hall in the mail today. We are in the morning performance schedule. Our warm up time is 10:30 am and our performance is at 11:00 am, Monday, March 2, 2009. This is going to be so fun!  I will let you know when we have our bus schedule worked out, and start collecting permission slips soon. We will go early enough to listen to other orchestras perform before us, and there will be a photo taken afterwards. More information to follow!
I am planning to take a publicity picture for our next concert at rehearsal tomorrow, so comb your hair if you care!
And don't forget to bring treats! :)
Please contact me with any questions: Julie Gardner, 435.723.8262, GJulieKay@gmail.com, or check out the calendar on the website here.
Julie Gardner
John Findlay

29 January 2009

LYS Saturday Report -- January 24th, 2009

This is Julie Gardner, Managing Director of Lincoln Youth Symphony.  For previous emails (or to read this one in another location), see the Lincoln Youth Symphony Blog, our Weekly Rehearsal Report, here.
Breaking News (please read this before you read the regular stuff below!)
I waited to send this email because of an important development in the finances of Lake Bonneville Symphonic Society, our umbrella organization... Because we did not receive the regular grant from the now-restructured Marie Eccles Caine Foundation, we have been planning to stage a really big fundraiser this spring that will bring in enough to cover the $6,000 loss, but we have realized that our payroll cannot be met for our second quarter (ending this week) without more money in the bank NOW.
Good news: The bills are paid and the treasurer has kept sufficient money for the insurance bill coming next month. ACYI has been paid off for the year. But our managing and artistic personnel who put in so many hours will not be paid. We also need money in the bank to pay for the bus to Abravanel Hall when the bill comes in March, etc., etc... It's just amazing to me how difficult, but rewarding, it is to keep the organization going. What a blessing it is in my life to play with and mentor such amazing musicians! I have confidence that we can overcome this shortage as we continue to explore and look for different grants.
So, here's the lo-down: Last year we put together a Gala Dinner and Silent Auction. Since we decided not to do it this year, opting for a bigger fundraiser later in the spring, we cancelled our venue and caterer (you may have noticed past emails that said "take Feb 21 off your calendar." Well, please put it back on!). Here are some details... (I hope this is not TMI - Too Much Information)... So far, we have put ourselves back onto the calendar for the Brigham City Community Center on Feb 21 (no one else had scheduled it) and since we are non-profit, we have a fee waiver! In other words, the venue will cost us nothing! Last year we had a caterer that did a wonderful Dutch oven dinner for $7.50 per plate. We charged $15 per plate. With a capacity of around 200 for the dinner (I think we sold some tickets to people who did not come), we netted $3000 that night; $1300 of that was from the silent auction and raffle and the rest was from the dinner.
We are considering doing two dinner rotations this time, with some small door prizes and a large raffle item. This is VERY SHORT NOTICE, but it is VERY NECESSARY if we still want to exist later this year! If we do one dinner, and every student in LYS and LYCO sells 4 tickets, we can net $1500 and have a really fun party at the same time. If we do two dinners (like one after the other on the same evening), and everyone sells 8 tickets, we can net $3000 and have a really fun double party. Anyone who comes and serves food & fills water & acts as waiter will get to eat free. I need feedback on this ASAP, especially from people with great ideas or who are willing to put their shoulders to the wheel - or both. I will have ticket sales figured out by THIS SATURDAY so we can get started. The person in each orchestra who sells the most tickets will get a $25 gift card to the location of their choice! (We did this last year... and it was fun!)
There are members of the board currently looking into finding a fun large raffle item, and a few door prizes. If you have connections, suggestions, ideas, or anything like that, please don't hesitate to contact me!
A Note on Entertainment for the dinner: Last year we had musicians from the youth and adult orchestras perform during the dinner. This year, we are looking into having Aspen Strings or another professional quality musical group perform for our dinner music. Instead of feeling like we need to applaud after every selection like a recital, it will be background music that enhances the quality of the evening. If anyone has ideas for this, please let me know! 
Please get involved so we can save our organization!  We are still planning a bigger fundraiser this spring, like a benefit concert... Stay tuned on that one.
One other completely unrelated fundraising note: We have a family whose children play in both orchestras that owns a vending machine business. They have offered a 10% donation on anything they make on vending machines that we help find a location for. Stay tuned for more information! 
Now to the really important stuff: Rehearsals
Remember that there will be rehearsal Every Saturday from now until the concert Feb 28 and the trip to Abravanel Hall Monday, March 2. This includes President's Day weekend. The calendar on the website is correct. Here is the link: http://lincolnyouthsymphony.googlepages.com/calendar
This Saturday, January 31st, we have regular rehearsal with treats (don't forget to bring treats!) and I hope we have practiced like crazy so we are ready for a fabulous rehearsal.
I'm sure you've already measured your numbers... especially the people whose got my evil eye last Saturday. To check if your numbers are right or for tempo markings in Legend, read past emails on the blog by clicking here.
Last week, January 24th, we had quite a few people missing that were involved in the All-State Band... Congrats to them, and here's hoping they had a fantastic experience. However, that said, we also had a great rehearsal and made lots of progress. Keep Practicing!
Just a reminder: if you will not be attending a rehearsal, or will be leaving early or coming late, please contact me at 435.723.8262 or reply to this email. Thank you in advance for your courtesy! I try to make it very easy to provide notification, and I have been impressed with everyone's communication skills this year!  You are wonderful.
Please contact me with any questions: Julie Gardner, 435.723.8262, GJulieKay@gmail.com, or check out the calendar on the website here.
Julie Gardner
John Findlay


20 January 2009

LYS Saturday Report -- January 17th, 2009

This is Julie Gardner, Managing Director of Lincoln Youth Symphony.  For previous emails (or to read this one in another location), see the Lincoln Youth Symphony Blog, our Weekly Rehearsal Report, here.
Future Rehearsal Schedule
Remember that there will be rehearsal Every Saturday from now until the concert Feb 28 and the trip to Abravanel Hall Monday, March 2. This includes President's Day weekend. The music is simply too challenging to skip any more Saturdays. Please arrange your schedules accordingly, and thank you in advance for any sacrifices you might make for the benefit of the group. As usual, if you need to talk about missing a rehearsal, please contact me. The calendar on the website is correct. Here is the link: http://lincolnyouthsymphony.googlepages.com/calendar
This Saturday, January 24th, Mr. Findlay will be back, and I hope we have practiced like crazy so we are ready for a fabulous rehearsal. I talked to him today, and he had a safe trip. 
For your practicing pleasure... Legend Tempo Markings:
Rehearsal #15 --> 88 = quarter note
Rehearsal #18 --> 88 = half note
Rehearsal #20 --> 108 = half note
I'm sure you've already measured your numbers... To check if your numbers are right, read past emails on the blog by clicking here.
It was great to see so many people even though it was a holiday weekend last Saturday.
We had a fun rehearsal! Gayle Mansfield worked with us on style and sound, assigned the brass to always do lip-slurs for warm-up before rehearsals; we marked some bowings, and worked hard. Without having had the music ahead of time, she covered whatever struck her as needed and it all worked out very nicely. Much better than if I had taken the rehearsal, that's for sure. Thank you, Gayle! 
big welcome to Steve Didericksen who came and played bassoon! It was so fun to have him. Keep coming, Steve! We are so pleased to have you. :)
Just a reminder: if you will not be attending a rehearsal, or will be leaving early or coming late, please contact me at 435.723.8262 or reply to this email. Thank you in advance for your courtesy! I try to make it very easy to provide notification, and I appreciate it when people let me know - and generally I always do because you're so good at letting me know.
A Highly Interesting - and important - Tidbit
We are still revising our fundraising scheme for this year, and have made some progress toward a benefit concert that will draw more than just members of the orchestra and their families. Remember: please take the Gala Fundraising Dinner (Feb 21) off your schedule for now and stay tuned for further information. We are putting together a committee to address this, so please contact me if you are interested. I know how many excited people are going to email me about this. I can feel it in my bones! Really, "It could happen!" :)
Please contact me with any questions: Julie Gardner, 435.723.8262, GJulieKay@gmail.com, or check out the calendar on the website here.
Julie Gardner
John Findlay


15 January 2009

LYS Saturday Report -- January 10th, 2009

This is Julie Gardner, Managing Director of Lincoln Youth Symphony.  For previous emails (or to read this one in another location), see the Lincoln Youth Symphony Blog, our Weekly Rehearsal Report, here.
Future Rehearsal Schedule
Important: There will be rehearsal Every Saturday from now until the concert Feb 28 and the trip to Abravanel Hall March 2. This includes MLK and President's Day weekends. The music is simply too challenging to skip any more Saturdays. Please arrange your schedules accordingly, and thank you in advance for any sacrifices you might make for the benefit of the group. As usual, if you need to talk about missing a rehearsal, please contact me. The calendar on the website is correct. Here is the link: http://lincolnyouthsymphony.googlepages.com/calendar
This Saturday, January 17th, we will have a guest conductor for our rehearsal. Gayle Mansfield is going to do her best to be there for the rehearsal, and I hope she makes it... If she doesn't, then I will be your guest conductor!  Won't that be fun? 
Our condolences go to Mr. Findlay and his family. His grandma passed away a few days ago and he will be in Ephraim with his family this Saturday for the funeral. We hope he has a safe trip!
Did you remember to number your measures? Please do it this week. To check if your numbers are right, read past emails on the blog by clicking here.
It was great to get back in the swing of things with you last Saturday.
We had a fun rehearsal! I love making music on a Saturday Morning. It's just the right thing to be doing. :)
Jana Gardner has resigned her position as principal flute to go to Weber State University for Early College and intense music studies. It was a rather sudden departure, and we wish her well. Jessica & Kandra did a great job trading off on the principal parts last weekend. Bravo, Girls! :) Thanks to Cami Dilg's continued support on French Horn; and let's keep talking to that bassoonist... You never know, "It could happen!"
Speaking of Bassoon, last Saturday we handed out the Tchaikovsky bassoon part to the cellos. If you weren't there, ask me for it this Saturday. There will be auditions for the solo at the end, so practice! This week we will also hand out the bassoon part for the Beethoven since we have a few holes that we need the cellos to fill in that piece as well. Thank you, cellos (and everyone, for that matter), for your willingness to work so hard.
Just a reminder: if you will not be attending a rehearsal, or will be leaving early or coming late, please contact me at 435.723.8262 or reply to this email. Thank you in advance for your courtesy! I try to make it very easy to provide notification, and I appreciate it when people let me know. You are wonderful!
A Highly Interesting - and important - Tidbit
We are still revising our fundraising scheme for this year, and have made some progress toward a benefit concert that will draw more than just members of the orchestra and their families. Remember: please take the Gala Fundraising Dinner (Feb 21) off your schedule for now and stay tuned for further information. We are putting together a committee to address this, so please contact me if you are interested. I know how many excited people are going to email me about this. I can feel it in my bones! Really, "It could happen!" :)
Please contact me with any questions: Julie Gardner, 435.723.8262, GJulieKay@gmail.com, or check out the calendar on the website here.
Julie Gardner
John Findlay


08 January 2009

LYS Extra Reminder -- Rehearsal This Saturday

How quickly the last month has gone!  I just know you've been practicing like crazy... or at least practicing!
As usual, this is Julie Gardner, Managing Director of Lincoln Youth Symphony.  For previous emails (or to read this one in another location), see the Lincoln Youth Symphony Blog, our Weekly Rehearsal Report, here.
Future Rehearsal Schedule
Important: There will be rehearsal Every Saturday from now until the concert Feb 28 and the trip to Abravanel Hall March 2. This includes MLK and President's Day weekends. The music is simply too challenging to skip any more Saturdays. Please arrange your schedules accordingly, and thank you in advance for any sacrifices you might make for the benefit of the group. As usual, if you need to talk about missing a rehearsal, please contact me. The calendar on the website is correct. Here is the link: http://lincolnyouthsymphony.googlepages.com/calendar
Christmas Break Homework... Did you remember to number your measures?
Remember your Christmas Break homework to number your measures in the Beethoven and Tchaikovsky, please. With a PENCIL, write the measure number at the beginning of each line. Do not number every measure. It's too messy. Just so we are all on the "same page," and we don't have interesting experiences, here are the measure numbers at certain places in each piece of music:
Beethoven Prometheus Overture:
17 Allegro con brio
49 Rehearsal A
81 Rehearsal B
113 Rehearsal C
141 Rehearsal D
165 Rehearsal E
197 Rehearsal F
229 Rehearsal G
253 Rehearsal H
283 Last Measure
Tchaikovsky 2nd Movement:
42 Rehearsal A
75 Rehearsal B
98 Rehearsal C
126 Piu mosso, Key change
142 Rehearsal D
199 Tempo 1, Key change
304 Last Measure
I'm excited to see everyone again!
Regular Saturday rehearsals begin again This Weekend, January 10. Rehearsals are from 8:30 (think 8:20) to 11:00 am. Thank you for being on time!  This means call time is 8:20 since you should arrive 5-10 minutes early to set up and be ready for downbeat at 8:30. If you are one of those consistently late people, just plan to leave 10 minutes earlier than you need to; then you will be on time! :)
As you already know, if you will not be attending a rehearsal, or will be leaving early or coming late, please contact me at 435.723.8262 or reply to this email. It is really disconcerting when someone doesn't come without letting us know. Thank you for your courtesy! I try to make it very easy to provide notification, and I appreciate it when people let me know. You are wonderful!
No Longer Boring but Highly Interesting... Maybe
We are currently revising our fundraising scheme for this year, hoping for a benefit concert that will draw more than just members of the orchestra and their families. Please take the Gala Fundraising Dinner (Feb 21) off your schedule for now and stay tuned for further information. We are putting together a committee to address this, so please contact me if you are interested. We need all the new blood we can get! :)
Get Well Soon!
Linda Hansen (trombone) had surgery on her shoulder on Christmas Eve just a few days after (but not because of) playing in the Weber State Univ Honor Band. She must have had a wonderful vacation! We wish Linda a full and happy recovery and look forward to seeing her again in February!
Please contact me with any questions: Julie Gardner, 435.723.8262, GJulieKay@gmail.com, or check out the calendar on the website here (please inform me of any technical difficulties).
Julie Gardner
John Findlay
