04 December 2008

LYS Extra Report -- December 4th, 2008

Of course, we had no rehearsal on November 29th; I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend!
Our next rehearsal is December 6th. That's this Saturday, so don't forget to come!
The following rehearsal, December 13th, will be our last before the Christmas Break. We will be having a potluck treat break that day, so plan ahead to bring some goodies!
If you did not turn in your music at the concert, please bring it to the rehearsal this Saturday. It is time-consuming to file one part after all the music has been collected.  Thank you for your cooperation - especially for everyone who turned in their music after the concert!  
As usual, this is Julie Gardner, Managing Director of Lincoln Youth Symphony.  For previous emails, see the Lincoln Youth Symphony Blog, our Weekly Rehearsal Report, here.
Remember, regular Saturday rehearsals are from 8:30 to 11:00 am. Thank you for being on time!  This means call time is 8:20 since you should arrive 5-10 minutes early to set up and be ready for downbeat at 8:30. If you are one of those consistently late people, just plan to leave 10 minutes earlier than you need to, then you will be on time! :)
If you will not be attending a rehearsal, or will be leaving early or coming late, please contact me at 435.723.8262 or reply to this email. It is really disconcerting when someone doesn't come without letting us know. Thank you for your courtesy! I try to make it very easy to provide notification.
Future Rehearsals & Other Miscellaneous but Important Information
We will be handing out music for the rest of the year this Saturday, December 6th - for both the Abravanel Hall/Concerto concert, and the final concert. Only those who have turned in music will receive their new music. We will include the list of music and what we will play for each concert in the Saturday Report after this rehearsal (after we have heard you play it!). So, we will be sight-reading this Saturday. Fun!
We are in the compiling stage (and should have mailed them out by now but haven't had time) for sending letters to prospective contributors to our silent auction. Please consider helping with this effort.
Concerto Audition Date Change
Please note that Concerto Auditions will be December 13th - instead of Dec 6th - at 11 a.m. for concerto night (Feb 28)!   If you are interested in doing this and have not contacted me yet, NOW IS THE TIME!  (Actually, September was the time, but contact me anyway!)
Please contact me with any questions: Julie Gardner, 435.723.8262, GJulieKay@gmail.com, or check out the calendar on the website here (please inform me of any technical difficulties).
Julie Gardner
John Findlay


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