21 March 2008

LYS Not a Saturday Report March 15th, 2008


Happy Easter!  Hope you're all having a wonderful Spring Break!  Don't come to rehearsal tomorrow!

More information on next week's rehearsal will be coming soon.

If you are interested in playing with the Lake Bonneville Community Symphony on April 18th & 20th, scroll down and read the details below. Their rehearsals start next week.

Contact Info: Julie Gardner, Managing Director, 435.723.8262, LincolnYouthSymphony@gmail.com or GJulieKay@gmail.com.

Website: http://LincolnYouthSymphony.googlepages.com

Upcoming dates and changes to remember:

March 22nd, No Rehearsal, Easter Break.

March 29th, Regular Rehearsal, 8:00 a.m.

April 5, 12, 19, 26, Regular Rehearsals 8:00 a.m.

Dress Rehearsal TBA (Probably Thursday)

Friday, May 2, Final Concert with LYCO, at BEHS, 7:00 p.m.

Lake Bonneville Community Symphony

The Lake Bonneville Community Symphony (LBCS) would like to invite LYS members to come and rehearse with us for our Spring 2008 Choral/Symphony concert with the Wasatch Masters Chorale.  The concerts are on Friday, April 18th (at 7:30 in the Garland Tabernacle) and Sunday, April 20th (at 7:00 in the Ogden Tabernacle).  Rehearsals start this Tuesday, March 25th, and run every Tuesday and Thursday between March 25th and our April 18th concert EXCEPT for Thursday, April 10th.  That is only seven rehearsals and we would love to have you there, even if you can only attend some of the practices. 

Please let us know if you plan to participate by email LakeBonnSymph@gmail.com.  Right now we could use extra strings help, especially cellos!  Rehearsals are from 6:30-8:00 in the band room.


If they want to know what we will be playing, we are playing with the choir:

Battle Hymn of the Republic

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

For the Beauty of the Earth


The symphony alone will be playing:

Peer Gynt (movements from)

St. Lawrence Overture

Ravel's Pavane for a Dead Princess

Julie Gardner
John Findlay

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