29 January 2008

LYS Saturday Report & Gala Update January 26th, 2008


I know you get tired of me, but don't stop reading!  If you do nothing else, fill out and email me the form under "Gala Fundraiser" below ASAP.

I MUST hear from EVERYONE. Thanks!

This is Julie Gardner, Managing Director, 435.723.8262, LincolnYouthSymphony@gmail.com or GJulieKay@juno.com.

Website: http://LincolnYouthSymphony.googlepages.com

Remember to email me if you will not be coming or you will be leaving early. You may not know it, but I take roll every week!

There is also new information below about Abravanel Hall under "upcoming dates."

Gala Fundraiser: Friday, February 8th, 2008

I went to the Chamber of Commerce Fundraiser & Auction last Saturday. It was incredibly well organized, and I hope people had fun... But I think our dinner will be more fun than theirs!

Remember, you have two tickets each and you must treat them like money . Every ticket must be accounted for (or I'll get in trouble!). Final count needs to be in to the caterer one week ahead, so January 31st.

This means I must hear from you. Copy the following form, paste it into an email, fill it out, and send it back to me at LincolnYouthSymphony@gmail.com

LYS Instrument:
Number of Tickets I've already turned in money for:
Number of Tickets I've already collected money for:
Additional Tickets I expect to sell:
Total Number of Tickets (add the three above numbers):
I have a service, item, or idea for the Auction/Door Prizes:

I have attached the bulletin board information again in case you need it. When you print it, be sure your printer is set to "landscape."

Remember our menu is a Dutch oven dinner with a choice of pork spare ribs or barbeque chicken, Dutch oven potatoes, glazed carrots, salad, roll, and cobbler for dessert. It's going to be well worth it, and fun. So sell those tickets!

Ticket details:

  • For the LYS musician who sells the most tickets, there will be a $20 gift check to the store of your choice.
  • Please email me with how many tickets you've sold.
  • We can sell up to 200 tickets for the 6:00 dinner, and we've only handed out about 140. If you have people and need more tickets, call or email me, and I will get tickets to you (mail or drop off).
  • LYCO musicians are selling tickets too, and competing for their own $20 prize.
  • Right now, I have only received money for 4 tickets... Argh!  Now is the time to make this happen.
If you know someone who will donate an item or service that can be auctioned or used as a door prize, go for it! We can give receipts for tax-deductible donations. Several moms are also contacting local businesses for donations of door prizes and auction items -- Thanks, ladies!

My mother-in-law sent
a quilt. I'm bringing it to LYCO today to show it off!

We will need people to help set up, serve food, and clean up. Everyone is expected to participate in some way. Those who didn't sign up at the last rehearsal will be contacted by telephone with an assignment.

The entertainment is important as well. Here are some details:
  • It will be "background" music, so people will not be expected to stop visiting while you perform.
  • It does not necessarily need to be classical. However, any entertainment must be cleared with me.
  • I will need the name(s) of performer(s), approximate length of time, and the title/style of what you are doing so we can create a pleasant program with a nice flow.
  • If you have another talent you would like to share, we ask that it be music oriented and that you keep it clean... NOTHING even REMOTELY off-color.
  • This is a great opportunity to perform for a more casual audience. This can be solo & ensemble music, or simply a practice performance opportunity.
If you have ideas or questions or wish to be involved in a large or small way, please contact me GJulieKay@juno.com or our fabulous board member and Gala chairperson Tamera Terry office@infovets.com.

Upcoming dates and changes to remember:
February 2nd, THIS SATURDAY--NO rehearsal. Every music teacher in the state will be in St. George for a convention! This is a change from the original schedule.
February 8th, Friday Next Week, Gala Fundraiser.

February 9th, Regular Rehearsal

February 16th, YES Regular Rehearsal
. This is in exchange for the week off for UMEA. It's President's Day Weekend, and I'm sorry about that. Life can be tough sometimes!
This is also a change from the original schedule.
February 23rd, Regular Rehearsal

March 1st, Dress Rehearsal, 8:00 a.m.

March 1st, Concert 7:00 pm
at Box Elder HS Auditorium, tickets at the door: $1 for children up to 11 & seniors; $2 for ages 12 & up.
March 8th, Regular Rehearsal

March 10th, Abravanel Hall
. NEW INFO: We have been scheduled to play in and attend the Afternoon Session, which starts at noon and goes until 4 pm. We play at 3:00 pm. We will have bus schedules etc for you soon.
These dates are now correct on the website.

Next Rehearsal: February 9th, 2008

Our next rehearsal is the day AFTER the Gala Fundraiser.

Normal time, 8:00 for everyone.

Treats: Violas, Cellos & Basses.

Our Last Rehearsal: January 26th, 2008

Thanks to Cindy Child for working with the winds on the Tchaikovsky.

Big Announcement:
announced the Board's decision to have only one conductor for LYS, and that Abravanel Hall will be his last concert with us. We realize that May would have probably been his last concert with us anyway, but we will still miss him very much. We wish you all the best, James, in your bright future!  You will be a great teacher at the new High School in Salem, and you will make great strides as you continue your Masters Degree at BYU.

John also officially announced, for anyone who didn't know, that his wife Misa is expecting twins in June... or May! Congratulations.

We also signed up for jobs at the Gala Fundraiser. We expect everyone to contribute, so if you didn't sign up we will be contacting you.
Second Violins brought treats. I know it was good. I saw Orange Juice, and Cups, and heard about Bagels. I never actually went and ate! I must have been busy. Thanks to the Second Violins. They know how to bring treats!

Membership Fees
I mailed membership information packets to people that I suspected hadn't received one, and I hope to have all membership fee issues resolved very soon. Perhaps we'll even find out who the unallocated membership fee belongs to! (See below)
VERY IMPORTANT:  Unallocated Membership Fee: We still have one fee that was paid in September and the last name on the check was Anderson; we are not sure who to credit that payment to . If it was you, or you have an idea of who it might be from, please let me know! Thanks. :)

Grocery Certificates
If you email me back with what you'd like, I can have grocery certificates at the next rehearsal for you. I will only have them at rehearsal if you prearrange for them. Please participate in this program. It is a painless way to raise money for the youth symphony. More information at http://LincolnYouthSymphony.googlepages.com. Click on "Fundraising" on the left sidebar.
Julie Gardner
John Findlay
James Arbizu

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