16 September 2023

Rehearsal recap

Hi families, what a fun rehearsal we had today! 

I know the first few rehearsals can be overwhelming, especially for the brand new members. That's okay. It's normal. :) If your NUYCO member has a private teacher, please ask the teacher to work on the music with your member! And if you don't have a private teacher and would like one (highly recommended), check out our Private Teacher List.

Stands - due to construction on the school, there is only one rack of stands available that will be split between Symphony and Chamber.  That is not nearly enough stands for us, so we are asking members to bring their own.  It's not ideal, but it is temporary.  We will reserve the stands at the school for the larger instruments (basses) and for those who do not have one available. The stands that came today worked out really well, so please keep bringing those!

Remind - I've invited the last remaining few of you to Remind, so you'll find a text that needs a response! Thanks for joining!

Upcoming Events:
Sept. 23rd - Parent Meeting, 11:15 am, @ Promontory. Please attend; lots of information will be shared. 
Oct. 6-7 - Overnight retreat at Camp Earley. We will be combining with the Wind Ensemble and as such, we will only be rehearsing our combined collaboration pieces (the Fireworks selections that your members have right now and another piece that will be handed out next week). It's very, very important that we have all of our members there! And it will be SO fun. 

Attendance: If your member must miss a rehearsal, please let me know by filling out the attendance form. It's linked here and at the bottom of EVERY email I send. 

As always, reach out if you have any questions or concerns! :)

-- Josie Anderson | NUYCO Managing Director

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