21 February 2020

Two More Things - Parking at Logan High, and a Question re: Abravanel Hall

1. Logan High has another activity (a regional basketball game) that starts at 5 pm tomorrow. They are asking us and our guests to park WEST of the school in the WEST parking lot. Please pass this info on to your guests coming to the concert. West Parking lot, only in marked parking spaces.

2. Q... Do I need to fill out the permission form? 
    A... I need a 100% response rate for Abravanel Hall. If I do not receive a permission slip either online or paper from you by tomorrow, I will be contacting each person individually to find out his or her plans. I need everyone accounted for. The slip not only tells me whether or not your are participating, it tells me what your transportation plans are. Refer to previous email for all the relevant links, or refer to the website. All emails post to the blog, which is the front page. 


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