20 August 2019

Audition Reminder and Details

Greetings fellow musicians,

Here is a gentle reminder that if you haven't signed up to audition this Saturday, please do. Our morning is full, our afternoon is not. 

Here is the NUYS Audition Page with all the scale requirements and  orchestra excerpts. Download, print, practice, come prepared!!!

We much prefer for you to audition in person. However, we do offer an option for you to submit a video. If you are sending a video, please fill out the membership form (linked on the NUYS Audition page), and then use our handy-dandy form to submit your video. Click Here for the Video Upload form.

Last Tuesday, we sent posters to every school, so if you are at school and don't see our poster in the band or orchestra room, go ask your teacher if it came in the mail! We will have extra posters at auditions this Saturday for you to take and post in case the posters didn't end up where they were supposed to go.

Please contact me if you have any questions! This is going to be a great year! So excited to get things started!

Have a Musical Day!



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