16 March 2019

Messiah List

This is the official list of pieces to prepare for Messiah. 
Giant Rehearsal: March 30 after regular rehearsal. 
Montpelier Rehearsal: April 13 afternoon/evening
Montpelier Performance: April 14
Overnight host families available.

1. Overture
2. Comfort Ye
3. Every Valley
4. And the Glory of the Lord
9. O Thou that Tellest
12. For Unto Us a Child is Born
13. Pastoral Symphony
18. Rejoice!
19. Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind be Opened
20. He Shall Feed His Flock
22. Behold the Lamb of God
33. Lift up Your Heads
37. The Lord Gave the Word
44. Hallelujah!
45. I Know that My Redeemer Liveth
46. Since By Man Came Death--- This one has been removed
47. Behold I Tell You a Mystery
48. The Trumpet Shall Sound
53. Worthy is the Lamb

Tips for practice: 3 and 4 are in the Key of E (4 sharps). Number 18 is just generally hard, and so is number 53. :)


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