11 April 2018

Some Helpful Youtube Links... Keep practicing!

Greetings, All!

We will have flyers for you this Saturday to promote the concert.

Here are a few videos we recommend.

This one is Natalie playing her concerto with a piano accompanist. This will help you get more comfortable with what to expect for tempos etc.

This one is Joshua Bell playing the concerto. It's set to start at the third movement. And it's the United States National Youth Orchestra playing for The Proms, which is a series of concerts put on in the Royal Albert Hall in London. Pretty cool video!

I couldn't find a video of Leonard Bernstein conducting it... plenty with just audio, but these videos are so informative! Especially the different conducting styles.

I haven't heard from Mr Dunn on what he's planning to do or not do, so just come prepared for everything and practice like crazy!

Keep practicing! It's worth it! See you Saturday. 8:30 to 11:30. 

Shout out: thank you to the very awesome people who come help me set up! It's generally the same group of students, and you are wonderful!

Musically yours,


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