08 August 2017

Concerto Auditions

Hi Everyone!

Concerto Auditions are Saturday, August 26, 2017, LDS Seminary Building, 355 S 600 W, Brigham City. We are very grateful for their continued support of this event.

We will begin at 9:30 am. Each candidate will have a 15 minute time slot for their audition. The building will be open by 8:30 am to facilitate warm ups. For those of you who have auditioned before, please be aware that our format will be different this year. 

All candidates will audition in the same room (depending on where the best pianos are -- we will let you know when you arrive). You may warm up in any other unoccupied room. If you move anything, please put it back. 

Boyd Edwards and Nathan West will be our impartial judges; we are so grateful to them! Mr Dunn, Doris D'Asto, and I will also be observing. 

Please be sure to arrive with plenty of time to warm up and be ready for your audition. 

If you haven't filled out the online participant form, please do so asap. Please note that if you are auditioning on your main orchestra instrument, you are excused from the September 16 auditions. Otherwise, please sign up for Sept 16 auditions.

Here is the schedule:

9:30, William Herem, violin
9:45, Sarah Francis, violin
10:00, Kristene Murrow, violin
10:15, Eliza Correa, flute
10:30, Elizabeth Wagstaff, Viola
10:45, Christina Blanchard, piano
11:00, Leah Laing, violin
11:15, Erin Blanchard, piano
11:30, Natalie Nef, violin
11:45, Abigail Blanchard, piano
12:00, Hannah Harding, oboe
12:15, Jillian Brown, violin
12:30, Samuel Fowler, violin
12:45, Jacee Taylor, piano
1:00, Amelia Merkley, violin

*Updated 9 August 2017, 4:53 pm

Thank you for your interest, your hard work, and the gift of music you bring to those around you. Remember we do this for the good, the true and the beautiful. 

See you soon!


PS If anyone has issues with the schedule, I need to know asap. We will make adjustments as needed. Also, the official deadline this year for signing up is not for two more days. If someone comes out of the woodwork to sign up before then, we might have to adjust the schedule. 


he website is a 
​searchable ​
​ where​

ll group emails are posted
And be sure to use our ​Attendance Form​ to let us know if you are arriving late, leaving early, or missing a rehearsal.

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