17 February 2017

Abravanel Hall 2017 Information

Dear Parents and Musicians,
Our performance at Abravanel Hall is March 13, 2017. Our schedule is as follows (times subject to change):
Ø  11:00 a.m. Begin loading bus @ Perry Walmart 1200 South Commerce Way; Use North East corner area of the parking lot
Ø  11:15 a.m. Leave Perry Walmart
Ø  11:30-11:35 a.m. Pick up students in Farr West at the
Park & Ride (@ 1850 W & 2700 N, across from Maverik)
Ø  11:45-11:50 a.m. Pick up students in "Riverdale" at the Park & Ride on the east side of the freeway north of 5600 S; official address, 5234 S Freeway Park Road, Roy 84405
If you brought a brown bag lunch, you may eat it on the bus or in the lobby after arrival, provided you keep the area where you eat super clean. Absolutely no drinks except water.
Ø  12:30 p.m. Arrive at Abravanel Hall.
Ø  1:00 p.m. Youth Symphony Festival, Afternoon Session.
NUYS will be sitting in rows 15 & 17, placing regular sized instruments in rows 14 & 16, and storing large instruments in row 34. Spectator seating is in rows 28, 29 & 30. We will hear Utah Youth Philharmonic (1pm), American Heritage Lyceum Philharmonic (1:30), Davis Youth Symphony (2:00), and Ogden Youth Symphony (2:30).
Ø  3:00 p.m. Warm Up in the Green Room (while Young Artist Chamber Players perform)
Ø  3:30 p.m. Northern Utah Youth Symphony performance
Ø  4:00 p.m. Group picture on the grand staircase.
Bring $15 if you want to buy an 8x10 picture. Make checks payable to Patrick Webster.
Ø  4:15-4:30 p.m. Load the bus.
Ø  5:30 p.m. Arrive at Roy Park & Ride
Ø  5:45 p.m. Arrive at Farr West Park & Ride
Ø  6:00 p.m. Arrive at Walmart
v  These times will depend on traffic and unforeseeable events, so we'll need to be flexible. Parents, please arrive for pick-up a few minutes early just in case, or keep in touch via cell phone.
v  We anticipate that the bus will be close to full. If you volunteered to help with transportation at the beginning of the year, I will contact you. Once everyone's permission slip is turned in, we will know if additional transportation is necessary.
v  Please let Julie know a.s.a.p. if you may be able to volunteer.
v  Each musician is very important to our performance. Since this is technically not a school-sponsored activity, their time off from school will need to be arranged on an individual basis. Please use the attached letter to ask to be excused!
NUYS Managing Director ðJulie Gardner, GJulieKay@gmail.com, 435.740.4335 cell
Please sign and return the permission slip on March 4, 2017.

18 February 2017
To Whom It May Concern:

______________________________ is a member of the Northern Utah Youth Symphony, which will be performing in the Youth Symphony Festival at Abravanel Hall in Salt Lake City on March 13, 2017. The bus leaves Perry at 11:15 a.m., Farr West at 11:30 a.m., and Riverdale at 11:45 a.m., returning between 5:45 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Playing in a symphony orchestra is the ultimate team sport. Each person is extremely important to the overall sound of the orchestra, especially in a place like Abravanel Hall where the acoustics pick up everything that's there – and amplify everything that's missing.  Please excuse this student from his/her classes on that day.


Julie Gardner, 435.740.4335 cell
Managing Director, Northern Utah Youth Symphony

Permission Slip for Abravanel Hall

March 13, 2017

_________________  has my permission to ride the bus and participate in Northern Utah Youth Symphony at the Abravanel Hall Youth Symphony Festival.
Parent/Guardian Signature_______________________ Date_____________
Please check the appropriate boxes:
q  My musician will be riding the bus to and from Abravanel Hall and will board the bus at (check one):
q  Perry Walmart.
q  Farr West Park and Ride.
q  Riverdale (Roy) Park and Ride.
q  My musician will not be riding the bus. I will provide rides for my musician to and from Abravanel Hall.
q  My musician will be riding the bus only one way. (please specify below)

*** Please mark and return this permission slip on March 4, 2017 ***

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