30 January 2014

Concert Reminders


Here are some basics for this Saturday, February 1st.
Don't forget to "like" our facebook page and share our event.

1. Yes, please wear concert black. Click here if you need more information; read "Lincoln Youth Symphony: Formal" for specifics.

2. Call time for rehearsal is 12:30 pm at Logan High School. 
(NO rehearsal in the morning.)

3. Rehearsal is from 1-3 pm.

4. Call time for the concert is 4:30 pm.

5. Concert is Free because it's sponsored by Aaron F Gardner of Associated Psychotherapists in Brigham City.

6. Concert will begin at 5 pm and end around 6:30 pm.

7. We will not be turning in music after the concert. Please keep it and bring it next week. Keep practicing the full orchestra music & the MacDowell (for April)! Abravanel Hall is March 3.

8. Schedule for Abravanel Hall will be out soon. We may have a need for a parent with a large van to help haul large instruments so everyone fits on the bus. Please let me know if you are interested in helping. Permission slips will go out next week.

9. Be safe. Drive Carefully. Can't wait for this new adventure!

Julie Gardner, Manager, cell 435.740.4335

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