25 January 2012

Silent Auction Donations - How's it going?


This is a reminder that there is a spreadsheet available to everyone who has the link to type in who they are planning on talking to about silent auction donations. You can then come back after you've received a response & fill out the rest of the line. I have noticed that the only people who have added information to it are members of the board, but we need everyone's help to make this a successful auction! 

Go ahead and click the link and have a look. You may be surprised how easy it is to find donations. You may also be interested to see what we already have - tickets, strings, tuner, quilt, vacuum... take a look!

Also, here is the link to a letter we've successfully used to solicit donations from businesses. It has my name on it as a contact person. Please add yours and let people know you will be personally handling their donation. :) Thanks for that! 

Please Please Please start using the spreadsheet... If you don't I will think it doesn't work! That will truly keep me up at night. I'm sure of it!

Remember, we are asking each family to come up with a donation for the auction. Home made or home baked are also allowed. Especially if you're famous for something! I can say that because I bring home made bread every year (maybe I should put that on the spreadsheet!)...

Thanks again for everything! The Youth Symphony and Chamber Orchestra are NOTHING without musicians and parents!

~ Julie Gardner

If the above links don't work, you can try these, or copy/paste into your browser:

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