The information has arrived for our February 28 Abravanel Hall trip. I do not have the bus schedule yet, but I will soon. We are in the morning group and our performance time is 9:30 am. We will be listening to two orchestras (8:00 and 8:30), going upstairs at 9:00, performing from 9:30 to 10:00, then getting pictures. We then listen to groups at 10:30, 11:00 and 11:30.
Please plan to stay for the entire session (from 8am to noon) as it is very valuable for us to observe others' performances in addition to our experience performing.
I will not be there on Saturday, but there will be a mom there with tickets to trade for checks, so please bring in your Gala ticket money! Let's see who is farthest ahead!
Have a great weekend, and I'll see you at Box Elder Middle School for rehearsal on February 5th! Don't forget, the concert is at 5pm, not 7pm. (Rehearsal this Saturday, Jan 29, is still at ACYI -- just trying to avoid confusion!)
:) Julie