10 September 2010

Lincoln Youth Symphony Auditions NEXT WEEK


Come Play With Us!

Upcoming Auditions:

Now for the main reason behind this email: Just a GENTLE REMINDER!

Auditions for this year's Lincoln Youth Symphony are just ONE WEEK AWAY, by appointment, on Sept 18, 2010, from 8:30 to 11am at Adele C Young Intermediate School, 830 Law Drive, Brigham City!

If you have any questions or concerns about the audition process, don't hesitate to contact me by replying to this email or giving me a call at 435.723.8262.

If you are planning on participating, please hit reply to this email and ask for an appointment time. I have spoken to several people who have said, "Oh, yeah, I need an appointment"... so I know you're out there. I have had a few dedicated folks actually make appointments, but I am visualizing a much fuller schedule! Thank you so much... just tell your friends how easy it was to make the appointment!

Small Print:
No one will be turned away without an appointment, but they may end up waiting. Longer. Than. Necessary. I am leaving some spaces for walk-ins, but it's like having reservations at a fancy restaurant! Those who make reservations do not deal with the crowd in the entryway waiting for their turn on a first-come-first-served basis, eh?

Network with friends!

I'll bet you know people who might be interested in LYS, so please pass this information on to them. If you are a teacher, please make this information available to your students. Remember, students must be enrolled in their school music programs to participate. We work together - school programs support us and we support the school programs in return.

Let's work together to make this an amazing year! To start the year out right, we will be going on an overnight retreat October 1-2. It will be an awesome mini-music-camp experience. Don't put off your audition; you might miss the retreat! It's only 2 weeks later!

I have attached [Editor's note: If you are reading this on the blog, please click here for a link to the information packet], for your perusal, all the information that was sent out to returning or prospective musicians. I know some of you have graduated, but many have younger siblings or friends that might absolutely love the experience of playing original compositions with motivated musicians.

Peach Days Concert Tomorrow!

How exciting it has been to get the new season started with Peach Days. It's going to be a fun concert tomorrow, Saturday, 11 September at 1:30pm! If you're not involved but would like to still come, it's on Main Street in Brigham City. After we play our set, we are even collaborating with Kahuna Beach Party on some Beach Boys music!

If you click here, google will show you an aerial shot of where the stage will be - it will face south in the parking lot at the top of the picture. Isn't technology amazing? Now you can zoom out to get your bearings and even get driving directions (beware, however, that Forest will be closed from 8th West all the way to Main Street all day Saturday).

Julie Gardner, Managing Director
Robert Bott, Music Director - Conductor

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