03 March 2009

LYS Saturday Report -- February 28th, 2009

This is Julie Gardner, Managing Director of Lincoln Youth Symphony.  For previous emails (or to read this one in another location), see the Lincoln Youth Symphony Blog, our Weekly Rehearsal Report, here.
Important Note:
Everyone please look through the music you brought home from Abravanel Hall tonight! We had a flute player who accidentally picked up someone's cello music, and the flute music must have been picked up by someone else. It included her solo & ensemble music. If anyone has this music, please contact me asap since the competition is tomorrow!
Congratulations everyone on a great rehearsal Saturday morning, and two wonderful concerts Saturday at BEHS and at Abravanel Hall on Monday. I'm so glad that everything worked out well. Thanks to Justin for playing his bassoon with us, and to our four moms who rode the bus and kept an eye on things for me. I certainly couldn't have done it without you! 
Rehearsal schedule for this week: 
We will begin our rehearsal at 8:30 a.m. this week. Call time is 8:15 a.m. Please be there on time so we can start on time. We will be checking in music from last week, and checking out some new music for our final concert. If you haven't already, please set aside Friday, April 24th at 7:00 p.m., on your calendar. This is the date of our final concert. Then set aside Thursday, April 23rd from 4-6 p.m. This is our extra rehearsal.
Just a reminder: if you will not be attending a rehearsal, or will be leaving early or coming late, please contact me at 435.723.8262 or reply to this email. Thank you in advance for your courtesy! I try to make it very easy to provide notification, and I have been impressed with everyone's communication skills this year!  You are wonderful.
Please contact me with any questions: Julie Gardner, 435.723.8262, GJulieKay@gmail.com, or check out the calendar on the website here.
Julie Gardner
John Findlay


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