14 November 2007

LYS Saturday Report, November 10th, 2007

Hello Parents and Musicians!

This is Julie Gardner, Managing Director. I can be reached at 435.723.8262 or GJulieKay@juno.com
if you have any questions. You can always access past LYS Saturday Reports by clicking "weekly rehearsal report" on the Lincoln Youth Symphony website: http://lincolnyouthsymphony.googlepages.com

Remember to email me if you will be missing a rehearsal, and please be choosy about what constitutes a "good reason to miss." For the most part, everyone has been fantastic about letting me know!

Dress Rehearsal

Last Saturday, I talked to everyone about adding this rehearsal on November 28th. We still haven't officially decided on this yet. Why? Because I need commitments from you. If you've already emailed me, I've made a note, but for the rest of you, II need to know, one way or the other, whether you can be there or not.

We don't want to waste anyone's time with a poorly attended rehearsal, and we want it to be worth everyone's effort.

The proposed time is 5:45 to 7:30 pm on Wednesday, November 28th, the week after Thanksgiving.

Please reply asap to this email and let me know either way.

Next Saturday

Rehearsal will be at ACYI; everyone (including winds) needs to be there at 8:00 am.

Amy Braithwaite will be coming between 9:45 and 10:00 to take our picture for the paper.

Treats: Second Violins. I think they even planned for someone to bring napkins... Now if I could just remember to bring a broom!

Last Saturday
The First Violins laid out a fabulous spread -- muffins, donuts, juice, milk, chocolate milk (I only saw the empty carton!). Thanks for doing such a fabulous job!
When we ran through the music, non-stop, wow!  It's really starting to sound great! 

Don't forget, we are still looking for a bassoon or two and a couple more horns. Keep talking to your friends!

Upcoming Concert

Our "Autumn Concert" (Don't laugh) is December 1, call time (that's when you need to be there) 6:30 at BEHS. The concert starts at 7:00 pm.

We will sit in the audience and listen to LYCO play first, then reset the stage for LYS.

To defray the cost of renting the hall, we will be charging a nominal admission fee: $2 adults and $1 children age 2-11 or senior citizens. Thank you for your support in this matter.

This will be a fabulous concert showcasing motivated musicians in two exceptional orchestras. Invite your family and friends -- that auditorium is large, and we want to feel like we're playing for an audience!


The Lake Bonneville Community Symphony has begun rehearsing for the Messiah sing-in. The performance will be December 6th in the Box Elder Tabernacle. They have invited anyone in LYS who wants to play in the Messiah to come join them!  The schedule can be found at http://www.geocities.com/lakebonnsymph/.
Membership Fees
If you have not paid or made arrangements for your membership fees, I will be contacting each of you on an individual basis.
We also have one fee that was paid in September; the last name on the check was Anderson, and we are not sure who to credit that payment to. If it was you, we'd love to give you credit for it, so please let me know! Thanks. :)
I passed out the green flyers for grocery fundraisers at the rehearsal Nov 3rd. Please participate in this program. It is a painless way to raise money for the youth symphony. More information at http://lincolnyouthsymphony.googlepages.com. Click on "Fundraising" on the left sidebar.
Our Silent Auction and Gala Fundraising Dinner will be February 9th. If you are willing to help with this, please let me know.
And we'll see you Saturday for another fabulous rehearsal!
Julie Gardner
John Findlay
James Arbizu 

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