24 October 2007

Saturday Report: October 20th, 2007

Hello Parents and Musicians!

This is Julie Gardner, Managing Director. I can be reached at 435-723-8262 or GJulieKay@juno.com
if you have any questions.
Remember: No Rehearsal This Saturday Oct 27th!

Grocery Season is Upon Us!

Now is the time to buy Grocery Certificates!
As you prepare for Thanksgiving, take a moment to support the Youth Symphony at the same time. It's painless! Contact Valerie Neslen vneslen@byu.net, 435-723-8603, or pick up a green flyer at the Saturday rehearsal.
Are you collecting credit card points? We are looking for someone to coordinate certificate sales for LYS. If you'd like to know how this might work to your advantage, contact Valerie Neslen vneslen@byu.net, 435-723-8603

Remember November 3rd Calendar Change:
Our calendar lists November 3rd as a week off, but we will be having rehearsal November 3rd. Write it on your calendars, and plan to come. It will be business as usual -- only with winds & brass arriving at 8:00 am -- at the Box Elder High School band room.

Be watching for one
other possible calendar change: We may be scheduling a rehearsal
Wednesday, November 28th to make up for the November 24th Thanksgiving weekend rehearsal.
It really depends on how things go at rehearsals since our concert is December 1st!
Attendance Issues:
If you will not be at a rehearsal, we must know ahead of time. Remember, oftentimes your reasons for missing a rehearsal reflect your level of commitment. There are folks who make regular sacrifices to be at these rehearsals. We all need the same level of commitment.

So, if you need to miss, make it for a good reason, and let me know. It's easy. Just send me an email and take care of it now!!!!!
Commitment is extremely important. We expect you to be on time and stay for the duration of each rehearsal. If you have three absences or late arrivals, the conductors have the option of asking you to leave. There will be no refund.
Rehearsal Report:
We had a great rehearsal Saturday morning. It's exciting to be putting this music together. More and more players mean fewer holes!

We chose a Christmas piece -- Winter Wonderland -- for our concert and sightread it. We'll be handing out the music to strings on Nov 3rd; Winds kept theirs.

Thanks to the Flute & Clarinet players who followed through and brought Treats to Share in behalf of Winds & Brass players. The cookies, Bagels, carrots, and pretzels hit the spot.
Treats next time: John, James & Julie...

Our chairs have been filling up. It's been fantastic! We are still looking for 2 more horns, 1 more trumpet, 2 bassoons, a timpanist, more strings (especially violas, cellos, and basses).
These positions are open until filled, but with only a few more rehearsals before the concert, people auditioning at this point may be asked to wait until December 8th to start coming, depending on how wonderful they are and how badly we need them.

We are willing to work with percussion, brass & woodwinds who are involved in Marching Band Competitions.
Auditions at rehearsals each Saturday at 7:45 am. Contact me for more information. You can send your friends to our website if they have questions: http://lincolnyouthsymphony.googlepages.com or tell them to google it!

Next Rehearsal, November 3rd:
At Box Elder HS. If you haven't been there before, it's at 4th South and 6th West, straight North from ACYI. Park on 4th South and enter through the odd looking door on the South Side of the Building... :)

Refreshments -- the healthier the better! (I guess that's a note for me!) -- John, James & Julie.

Strings rehearsal will still start at 8:00 am.
Winds need to arrive at 8:00 am. There will be a separate winds rehearsal in the Choir room. No more sleeping in!

Remember: No Rehearsal Oct 27th.

Concerto Auditions:
Those interested in performing a concerto with the orchestra have already contacted me. If you are interested and haven't contacted me, please do! We are pleased to announce that the date of this audition will be Saturday, January 5th. More information will follow soon.

Check it Out!

The URL is: http://LincolnYouthSymphony.googlepages.com

Membership Fees:
Does anyone want to fund a scholarship for an LYS musician? If you'd like to help out, please contact me.

The original Deadline for Making Arrangements or submitting payments on your Membership Fees has passed.

If you haven't paid or if you haven't let us know what your payment plan is, we must know.

I will be calling parents soon. If you're having trouble paying, I'd hate to make it harder by adding a late fee. All late fees are waived by communication!

Please save me a phone call, and if you are having trouble making this payment, contact me.

Please take care of this as soon as possible! LYS for the year is $100; family cap is $150.
Just copy, paste into an email, fill out and send me this:

(Name) ___________________ cannot pay in full at this time. I will make a down payment of ________on (date) ________ and _______ monthly payments of ______ .

Vacancy on the Board:
Emergency Vacancy on the Board: We appreciate our recent parent representative's time and effort on behalf of the youth. Thank you, Charlie!

Now, I am searching for a new parent representative... please contact me for further information. Get Involved! Youth Symphony is so fun! --Julie 435.723.8262 GJulieKay@juno.com

The Lake Bonneville Symphonic Society is looking for a new Secretary to serve on the board. Meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm downstairs in the Brigham City Library.

Our previous secretary, Marsha Stokes, has accepted the position of Executive Director. She is also Manager & Conductor of the Lake Bonneville Community Symphony. She has created fantastic templates and has made it as simple as possible for a new secretary to step in to the post.

We are also looking for people to help with Grant Writing.

Gala Fundraiser and Silent Auction
Our Gala Fundraiser and Silent Auction is coming up February 9th. We need a volunteer chair person, and volunteers to collect auction items, coordinate entertainment, and make it a successful fundraiser. We are in dire need of new music, and this is a chance to make a difference in the lives of our youth. Please contact me if you are interested in helping, Julie Gardner: GJulieKay@juno.com, 435-723-8262. Thanks!

Groceries, Anyone?
We've begun and ended
with Groceries! Hint... Hint... ;)

Valerie Neslen brought flyers to us for the Kent's (Brigham & Tremonton) and Smith's (All Locations) gift certificate fundraising efforts. The Community Symphony began buying these certificates during Peach Days rehearsals with great success. I know that she has some certificates on hand, and that there are also cards available for Smith's. Our organization gets 5-10% back on all the certificates we buy, and they can be used like cash at these grocery stores--even in the pharmacy and at the pump at Smith's. The Symphonic Society's goal is to raise at least $5000 total with this fundraiser this year. There is no limit to what we can make with this, and LYS will directly benefit--all certificates purchased by LYS members are credited to us. All you have to do is be someone who buys groceries, prescriptions, or gas! What a great way to budget your money!

Parents, ask your musicians for that flyer... Let's pull together and make this work!

Valerie is still looking for a parent volunteer from LYS to be her LYS coordinator. Please contact Valerie Neslen vneslen@byu.net, 435-723-8603 for certificates or more information on volunteering as the coordinator. Thank You!

Make it a Great Day!


Julie Gardner
John Findlay
James Arbizu

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