Greetings, Fantastic Folks!
The consensus is that there are a lot of conflicts this coming weekend, and I am choosing to postpone our party because I want as many people to come as possible. We like each other and want to see each other again, right?
I have looked at everyone's school district calendar. Aside from Box Elder and DaVinci, everyone is out of school by the weekend after Memorial Day, and I am scheduling our party Saturday May 30. I am aware that this may cut into some people's family vacations or camps, but I just couldn't see putting on a party when all of the options I sent before had so few people who could come.
NUYS and NUYCO End of Year Party
Saturday, May 30
Noon until we are tired
At my house, 2800 S 1200 W, Perry
(although I may move it to a park, so keep checking your email!)
More details to follow! If you have a suggestion for the perfect park that is somewhat central to where people come from, let me know.
Best of luck for you with all your proms, orchestra festivals, and amazing adventures! See you in a few weeks.
And pass the word to people who don't read their emails.
Julie (and Maestro Dunn)
PS Friends that might audition are invited too. :)
Did you know the website is a blog? All group emails are posted to the blog, which is totally searchable! Check it out...