28 August 2012

LYS: Audition FAQ


Do I Need To Audition? 
Due to a timing issue, returning members of LYS need not audition this year. New members will audition before and after our rehearsal Sept 29.  Please note that this first rehearsal will be somewhat shortened and will run from 9:30am to 11am. All musicians & prospective musicians need to attend the rehearsal that day. 

Online Form for all new and returning musicians: 
Please fill out our online membership information form at this link. Management is happy when we know you are coming!

Online Appointment Scheduling for all NEW musicians:
An audition schedule has been posted and appointments can be made online. Click on the following link: Appointment Slots to access our online appointments. (You may have to click forward until you find Sept 29!). You need a free google calendar account to sign up, and when you set the appointment, it will appear on your calendar. If you need to change the appointment, simply delete the appointment on your calendar and it will open up a space for someone else on the appointment calendar. If you do not have Google Calendar, please contact me via email with the time you prefer and I will set it up for you - but it's easier to make changes, etc., if you have your own google calendar!

Google Calendar:
While you're at it, if you have google calendar, be sure to subscribe to the LYS calendar; it's called Lincoln Youth Symphony Orchestra. Then you'll always be up-to-date on what is going on!

Let me know if you need any help getting ready... 

We are so excited about this coming year! What a great adventure we are going to have. Please share this great opportunity with your friends. Lots of them!

Sam Runolfson
Julie Gardner

01 August 2012

Samuel Runolfson

Click Here to read the press release about our New Conductor!

LYS: Forthcoming Emails


I am about to send several emails. It's mostly about how they post on the website... So I'm sorry if you feel inundated. It also may make different topics easier to separate.

The calendar for the year is up on the website at http://lincolnyouthsymphony.blogspot.com/p/lys-calendar.html. I give you this link instead of typing up a calendar simply because there are still a couple things to finalize - mostly when to do spring break since no two school districts agree this year! 

So, watch for the following emails (or click the links!)

Thanks for your support. Please SHARE information on Lincoln Youth Symphony! We need to really get the word out!

- Julie Gardner

LYS: New Rehearsal Space

We will be in a new location this year!

Promontory School of Expeditionary Learning at 1001 West 2700 South, Perry, has offered us rehearsal space in trade for using our music stands and percussion equipment. We are so pleased as this will free up funds for regular LYS section specialists! 

There is currently an Eagle project going on to fix up our music stands so they can be used at the new school. The ribbon cutting is coming up August 11th! 

Thank you, PSEL! This is the beginning of a fabulous partnership.

Concerts will still be at Box Elder Middle School Auditorium, 18 South 500 East, Brigham City.

LYS: Rehearsal Time Change

This year's regular Saturday rehearsals will begin at 8:30 am and end at 11:00 am. This is a time adjustment from last year, and will hopefully accommodate more people's Saturday plans. 

Sam, our new conductor, has requested this change to better serve you! So, bleary-eyed or not, we are starting at 8:30! :)

LYS: Concerto Auditions

Concerto Auditions are open to all youth through high school age regardless of membership in Lincoln Youth Symphony, although non-members are asked to make a $20 donation to the organization at the audition. 

There are several dates to remember in regards to Concerto Auditions & Performance Opportunities:

September 29, 2012: Music Approval Deadline -- please submit to Julie Gardner by this date. The music you want to perform must be available and playable, and we can't know if you don't ask!

November 3, 2012: 11:15am @ Promontory School: Concerto Auditions

If you are selected to perform with the Lincoln Youth Symphony, you may be included in either of two concerts, depending on how the programming works out:

February 9, 2013 or April 20, 2013

What a great year it's going to be!

LYS: No Peach Days Concert


Because of our change of venue, we cannot move into the new school until after August 15. This leaves very little time for rehearsal -- so there will be no LYS/LYCO/LBCS participation in Peach Days this year. Perhaps we'll play at Peach Days next year!

Thanks to everyone for their support & interest. We are sorry it didn't work out!

Press Release: Lincoln Youth Symphony's New Conductor!

Lake Bonneville Symphonic Society proudly presents the new Lincoln Youth Symphony Conductor! After two wonderful years, Robert Bott has moved and can no longer continue conducting for us, and we are very fortunate to have Samuel Runolfson carrying on the tradition of excellence by taking over as conductor of Brigham City's Lincoln Youth Symphony. His musical endeavors have been exciting to watch over the years, including a trip to the MTNA National Finals with a chamber music trio!

Samuel Runolfson grew up in Ogden and is a Graduate from Weber State University in the Music Education program. Samuel is currently attending the University of Utah for a Masters in Cello Performance. Samuel began playing the cello in Middle School and has since studied with Dr. Paul Joines, Pegsoon Whang, Dr. Viktor Uzur and is currently studying with Elliot Cheney. Samuel has been principal cellist of the Weber State Symphony Orchestra, the New American Philharmonic and Chamber Orchestra Ogden. An avid chamber musician Samuel has performed in quartets, quintets and trios throughout Northern Utah and has spent countless hours in the public schools performing, lecturing and teaching music to students from Elementary to High School. Samuel also performed and taught in Haiti during the summer of 2008. Samuel has conducted the Bonneville Youth Orchestra, Weber State Symphony Orchestra, the Lincoln Youth Chamber Orchestra, Morgan Valley Strings, and various High Schools and Jr. High Schools for clinics, as well as festivals.

His contributions to our program will be fabulous!